Heap memory

In the previous section, we implemented a page allocator that can manage physical pages. Now we are ready to implement fine-grained dynamic allocation, and make full use of the Rust memory system.

Arena allocation

We use arena memory allocation for fine-grained memory management. We will not cover the details for now. In the end, we have defined a struct that does similar job as the page allocator, except that the allocation unit is byte instead of physical page:

File: src/mem/heap.rs

fn main() {
pub struct Allocator {
    fields omitted...

impl Allocator {
    pub const fn new() -> Self;

    /// Allocates a memory block that is in align with the layout.
    pub unsafe fn alloc(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8;

    /// Deallocates a memory block
    pub unsafe fn dealloc(&mut self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout);

Rust global allocator

We want to make use of Rust built-in data structures: Box, Vec, etc. This is made possible by implementing the GlobalAllocator trait, provided by the standard library. This is an interface that std will make use of to implement downstream data structures as mentioned before. One could of course go implement them from scratch, but why not go with an easier way:

File: src/mem.rs

fn main() {
pub static HEAP: heap::Allocator = heap::Allocator::new();

pub struct Malloc;
unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for Malloc {
    unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {

    unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
        HEAP.dealloc(ptr, layout)

static MALLOC: Malloc = Malloc;