
In this section, we will implement kernel thread in Tacos. Before delving into the details, let's take a look at the abstractions we're going to build. Thread API in Rust is neater than pthread, and we will support similar interfaces in Tacos. Understand Send and Sync traits will avoid a large proportion of concurrent bugs. Kernel thread and user thread are similar in many ways, so we will review the property of user threads and compare kernel threads and user threads. Finally, we will compare kernel threads and user threads as a conclusion to this section.

Thread API in Rust

Now let's have a review of the how Rust models thread and relavent concepts, because we will implement similar APIs in the kernel(in crate::thread).

In Rust std, the thread creation function, thread::spawn, accepts a closure as it's main function. In contrast to POSIX, argument passing is made easy by using the move keyword to capture the ownership of arguments that are carried along with the thread itself. The example shows a simple example of summing a vector in another thread.

use std::thread;

fn main() {
    let v: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3];

    let handle = thread::spawn(move || {

    let sum: i32 = handle.join().unwrap();
    println!("{}", sum);

The Send and Sync traits

The Send and Sync traits, together with the ownerhip system, are extensively used in Rust to eliminate data race in concurrent programming. This document discusses these traits in depth, and here we explains some essential concepts that will be relavent to our implementation:

  • Sync trait represents the ability of be referenced by multiple threads; therefore, a global variable in Rust must be Sync. Many types that we encounter when writing general purpose Rust code are Sync. However, data structures that contain raw pointers, no matter if they are const or mut, are generally not Sync. Raw pointers have no ownership, and lack exclusive access guarentee to the underlying data. Therefore, in the context of concurrent programming, most of the data structures we have defined so far can not be directly put in the global scope.

  • Send trait is in some sense a weaker constraint, representing the safetyness of moving a type to another thread. For example, the Cell family is not Sync since it has no synchronization, but it is Send. Other types, such as Rc<T>, are neither Sync nor Send.

A type T is Sync if and only if &T is Send.

Synchronization in Rust

Two primary methods exist for synchronization are message passing and shared memory. In Rust std, channels are designed for message passing, while Mutexs are designed for accessing shared memory. Following example shows the usage of Mutex and channel.

use std::sync::{Mutex, mpsc};
use std::thread;

static COUNTER: Mutex<i32> = Mutex::new(0);

fn main() {
    let (sx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
    let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
        let counter = rx.recv().unwrap();
        for _ in 0..10 {
            let mut num = counter.lock().unwrap();
            *num += 1;
    for _ in 0..10 {
        let mut num = COUNTER.lock().unwrap();
        *num += 1;
    println!("num: {}", COUNTER.lock().unwrap());

The type of the global variable COUNTER is Mutex<i32>, which implements the Sync trait. A global variable can be referenced by multiple threads, therefore we need Sync trait to avoid data races.

We use channel to pass a reference of COUNTER to another thread (remember that &Mutex<i32> is Send, allowing us to safely send it to another thread).

We use Mutex to ensure exclusive access. To access the data inside the mutex, we use the lock method to acquire the lock, which is a part of the Mutex struct. This call will block the current thread so it can’t do any work until it’s our turn to have the lock. The call to the lock method returns a smart pointer called MutexGuard, which implements Deref to point at our inner data, and implements Drop to release the lock automatically when a MutexGuard goes out of scope.

User Threads v.s. kernel space

In this document, user threads refers to threads inside a user program. User threads are:

  • in a same program, thus share the same address space
  • running different tasks concurrently, thus each thread has an individual stack, PC, and registers

Similarly, kernel threads refers to threads inside the OS kernel. Like user threads, kernel threads are:

  • in the same kernel, thus share the kernel address space
  • running different tasks concurrently, thus each kernel thread has an individual stack, PC, and registers

Multi-threaded programming in user spaces uses APIs provided by the OS, such as pthreads(You should be familar with it! You may have learned it in ICS. You should consider drop this course if you haven't learned it...). By using those APIs, the OS maintains the address space, stack, PC and registers for user. However, as we are implementing an OS, we have to build it from scratch and maintain those states manually. In the following parts of this chapter, we will build it step by step.

The table below compares the standard thread in modern OS and the kernel thread introduced in the section:

Thread in modern OSKernel thread
Executes inuser modeprivileged mode
Address spaceuser address spacekernel address space
APIspthread, etc.crate::thread
Statesmanaged by OSmanaged by yourself

Currently Tacos does not support user threads. In this document, for the sake of brevity, when we use the term thread, it refers to to a kernel thread.