Deadline & Submission
Code Due: Thursday 02/27 11:59pm
- Use
make submission
to tarball and compress your code assubmission.tar.bz2
- Change the name of submission.tar.bz2 to
, e.g.,submission_20000xxxxx.tar.bz2
- Submit this file to the
Lab0: Getting Real
on PKU course websiteDesign Doc Due: Sunday 03/02 11:59pm
- Submit your design document as a PDF to the
Lab0: Design Doc
on PKU course website
This assignment is set to prepare you for the later Tacos projects. It will walk you through what happened after a PC is powered on till when an operating system is up and running, which you may have wondered about before.
Throughout this project, you will:
- set up the development environment and run/debug Tacos it in QEMU
- trace the boot process and get familiar with the codebase
- do a simple programming exercise to add a tiny kernel monitor to Tacos
Note that this assignment is much simpler than the remaining projects, because it is intentionally designed to help you warm up.