User Programs

Deadline & Submission

Code Due: Thursday 04/10 11:59pm

  • Use make submission to tarball and compress your code as submission.tar.bz2
  • Change the name of submission.tar.bz2 to submission_yourStudentID.tar.bz2, e.g., submission_20000xxxxx.tar.bz2
  • Submit this file to the Lab2: User Programs on PKU course website

Design Doc Due: Sunday 04/13 11:59pm

Welcome to Project User Programs! You've built great threading features into TacOS. Seriously, that's some great work. This project will have you implement essential syscalls, supporting user programs to run properly on TacOS.

At the moment, the kernel can only load and run simple user programs that do nothing. In order to run more powerful user programs, you are going to implement essential syscalls, for example, enpowering user programs to perform I/O actions, spawning and synchronizing with child processes, and managing files just like what you might do in Linux.

It's not required to complete this assignment on top of the last one, which means you can start freshly from the skeleton code. However, it's still suggested to continue with your previous work so that you can end up having an almost full-featured OS.